The Pompeo plan does sound good and you are right that Biden has been feeble.

Proper sanctions have never been imposed on Russia. Exports to countries like Kirghistan from just about every advanced country, including the UK, have trebled or quadrupled, even from Poland where I am, and which has real skin in the game, and we all know where that stuff all goes. Too much cheating and close to zero political will to do anything about it that I have seen.

But would Putin throw in the towel and withdraw from Donbas and Crimea? He'd still need to be chased out by Ukrainians with arms. A Pompeo plan should shorten the war, but not end it immediately.

Putin cannot surrender. It would quite literally be the death of him. He's scared of dying. Remember those long covid tables? He's not going to commit suicide in his bunker.

The next putsch against Putin succeeds, he knows that presumably. All dictators know they can end up like Ghaddafi or Saddam.

Still, Russia is weaker than it looks. Running out of tanks and gun barrels. Not capable of making enough to replace losses. I read this in many places.

We have no data now, the Russians have stopped publishing economic numbers, and when they still did, quite likely they were lies. War economies may look strong, but if you channel money into making things which you will then blow up, it's not exactly a recipe for meaningful growth, is it.

If a Pompeo plan could be implemented, still plenty of fighting left, unless there's a sudden collapse which is also not unlikely.

Also, as you say, is he even part of Trump's team now?

Anyway, an interesting angle which I have not seen before.

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The renewables story is a good news story despite what some commentators here say. Maintenance and renewal is an inherent cost that never gets properly calculated. That’s not a reason to dismiss the advances but a reason to address the challenges. Future proofing is a term that should be banned but not discounted totally.

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Totally agree with the final flourish.

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Where are we at the moment with the Telegraph? Is it safe and secure, or are they still awaiting financial security?

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And when the renewable energy devices require maintenance and replacement but their output is valueless, who will be keen to spend the money?

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They'll be forced to maintain them or be nationalized.

Good news all the way around.

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Unless your pension fund has been forced to invest in them by the GB energy vehicle

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Oh, I meant it facetiously...

Should have put a smiley... :^(

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